hosts a wide collection of resources pertaining to the global Dawoodi Bohra Muslim community. With raza and dua mubarak of Huzurala TUS, provides internet-based services like the Dawoodi Bohra Net (DBNet) mailing list, jamaat mailing lists and jamaat website hosting to the Dawoodi Bohra community, and publishes accurate and authentic information about our history, practices and traditions.
Malumaat.Com Malumaat.Com carries the latest AKHBAR (News), and is a source of MALUMAAT (Information) about the Latest Happenings (Events), Travels & places and other related information about the Dawoodi Bohra Community.
Anjuman-e-Najmee Toronto Jamaat's Home Page -- Anjuman-e-Najmee (Toronto, CANADA).
Anjuman-e-Vajihi Tampa Jamaat's Web Site -- Anjuman-e-Vajihi (Tampa, Florida, USA).
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